Sony V150 Tegra 3’s features
According to sources Sony V150 Tegra 3 CPU tablet has an NVIDIA 1.4GHz quad core processor. It has a resolution of 1280 into 752 pixels and a display of 1200 into 800. In addition, an Android operating system to make up for the features left. It has the latest version of Android 4.0 that is ice cream sandwich.
Competitor to release soon
The new iPad that is to release soon has a resolution of 2048*1536 pixels and display of 1080p including Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime HD, this Sony V150 tablet with 1280*800 resolution won’t be able to impress many people.
In a benchmark review, it was rated a 59.70 overtaking Sony’s previous releases like gen Sony’s tablet and is now working equally praiseworthy as Tegra 3 tablets.
Sony V150 does not seem to have much unless it has some hidden features that have not been revealed yet.
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