Technology development is always changing from time to time. It is aimed to fulfill mankind’s demand. Several technology products were badly produced. Those top 10 worst technology products are as following below.
1. Sinclair C5

The first environmentally and friendly electric vehicle that is mass produced was launched in 1985. With the price of $350, you only get a maximum vehicle speed of 15mph,with no gears, the distance of the seat to the gas pedal cannot be changed and the machine will overheat if it is used to climb in the hills.
2. Barcode battler

Released in 1991, Barcode battler was trying to compete with other legends of that time, the Sega Game Gear and Nintendo Game Boy. But, it differs greatly with both the legend; Barcode battler has graphic and very low- quality audio and game-play. The concept is also strange; players can fight each other but not as a character but only in the form of numbers on the screen.
3. The Squircle

This is item with the lowest value and bad design; no internal memory and poor sound quality which make it as the worst line product. MP3 Players must be used together with an additional SD card.
4. Gizmondo

It looks like a black version of Shrek’s head which is not interesting. Gizmondo was launched in early 2005 and actually has interesting features like the ability to send text messages, digital cameras and even GPS functionality.
5. Tamagotchi

It was invented in 1996 by Aki Maita, Tamagotchi produced a huge advantage for the manufacturer of Bandai. This toy disrupts school lessons around the world and causes noise and fights, and wakes you at dawn today to clean up digital dirt.
6. Apple Puck Mouse

Apple iMac G3 was firstly produced in 1998. This mouse has a button that is hard to find and you will not know where the direction is designated by the mouse. But this mouse provides a new breakthrough, namely as the first mouse that uses USB connectivity.
7. Atari Jaguar

It was firstly launched in 1993 to compete with consoles from Sega and Nintendo. Jaguar is a failure to convince Atari to leave the world of hardware. Jaguar software was difficult to develop, so only a few game titles are released for this console.
8. Amstrad E-mailer Telephone

Actually the concept is very interesting but this phone is very difficult to use. Moreover, most people already have computers and Internet development which has become very unusual.
9. Sony rootkit CDs

Do you need a CD track that installs a rootkit on your PC? Of course it’s not. Customers who bought this CD and played them on their computer will be affected by malware which is known as rootkits. Rootkits can prevent detection of anti-virus and other security programs by hiding in the computer OS.
10. Windows Vista

This is an OS that provokes a campaign of OS predecessor and feasible technologies which are categorized as poor. This is an OS that has the option to downgrade to a previous version (in this case downgrade to XP), decent categorized as a bad technology.
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