The Samsung Galaxy S II is definitely one of the few devices that Samsung can be proud of. The company has sold tens of millions of this device and the number keeps on increasing by the day. Nevertheless, like all devices, there will be time where it has to be replaced with a better one and in this case, the next product will be the Samsung Galaxy S III.

The Samsung Galaxy S III is expected to be as big and as successful as its Galaxy S II predecessor. The dual-core processor will be replaced instead with a quad-core Exynos processor. This processor is made by Samsung and is expected to be distributed to a handful of the company’s future high- end products. The Exynos Chip is expected not to only support the WCDMA network but also 4G LTE which, in return will make it a pretty speedy processor for any devices that use it.
There has yet to be an exact date on when the device will be released but we’re guessing it will be some time. Hopefully, these devices would be on par with the A5X processor available on the new iPad as well. Should that be possible, the winner of this competition would be clear.
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